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Toothache Relief Elk Grove, CA

Nothing is more annoying than a constant throbbing toothache, unless it is the debilitating pain that is usually associated with an infected tooth. Even though the majority of tooth pain can be connected with decay, is does not always point in that direction. There are other causes for toothache besides tooth decay.

Toothaches can also be caused by a damaged or loose filling, a crack or break in the tooth, infected gums, clenching and teeth grinding. Whatever the cause, the dentists at Sacramento Emergency Dentist can discover it, treat the problem and help you get pain relief.

Silver or amalgam fillings get old and lose their ability to protect the tooth. They can break or become loose, allowing bacteria and food debris to get underneath the filling. This begins the process of decay. Your filling may actually look like it is intact, but underneath, problems are brewing. Your dentist can use a diagnostic x-ray to determine what is happening under the outer surface of the tooth.

When a filling is failing, it can be taken out and replaced. Many people are choosing to replace old silver fillings with tooth-colored composite. Composite fillings bond better to the tooth, and they look and feel natural and have strength and durability comparable to that of silver fillings.

You will most likely be able to tell if you break or crack a tooth, although sometimes cracks are harder to identify. A tooth could be cracked in a non-visible area. You may feel the toothache and your tooth may be sensitive to the temperature of food and beverages, but you cannot visibly see anything wrong. Your dentist will have to solve the mystery. Chances are, it could be a crack on the back of your tooth.

Repairing a broken or cracked tooth is a simple process, as long as the pulp is not involved. Generally, a broken or cracked tooth can easily be repaired with tooth bonding. When the pulp is exposed, depending on the extent of the damage, root canal therapy may be able to save the tooth. If the crack or break extends below the gum line and involves the tooth root, the tooth may need to be extracted.

Toothache Caused by Clenching or Bruxism

Millions of Americans experience dental problems caused by clenching the teeth and grinding them. Children will grind their teeth while sleeping, but they usually grow out of it. Often adults with this condition are not aware of it unless a bed partner complains about the noise or if symptoms cause a visit to the dental office.

Many individuals grind their teeth when they sleep when they are coping with excessive stress. Some people do it unconsciously while they are awake. Bruxism and clenching put extra stress on the jaw muscles, creating muscle fatigue. It can also cause headaches, jaw, neck and shoulder pain. The added pressure can also cause toothaches.

Bruxism erodes tooth enamel, causing sensitivity in affected teeth. This also makes the teeth more vulnerable to decay. While some individuals only grind or clench their teeth during times of excessive stress, others do it continually. If you are diagnosed with clenching or grinding, your dentist can make suggestions about how to minimize the damage caused by the practice.

Dental appliances, such as a nightguard, can be used to keep the teeth from rubbing together. These devices can be custom made to fit your teeth and hold them in a position to prevent you from grinding them while you sleep.

Home Remedies or Dental Care?

There are many home remedies available for dealing with minor toothache pain. Simple over-the-counter pain relievers will probably take care of your toothache. However, it is important to remember that pain is your body’s way of communicating that something is wrong. While the toothache may be annoying and not excruciating, it still means that something is not right with your tooth.

The best way to relieve toothache pain is to make an appointment with your dentist, and find out why you have this discomfort. Sacramento Emergency Dentist has expert dental professionals who will identify the source of your pain, implement the treatment and provide relief for you. Contact us for your emergency dental needs. We offer same day and weekend appointments.

Are you in pain? Don’t wait!

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