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Tooth Nerve Pain Relief Elk Grove, CA

The outside of a tooth is dental enamel, a hard substance composed of minerals. Beneath the hard outer shell is the dentin. This part of a tooth is softer than the enamel but considerably harder than the pulp. The pulp is at the center of the tooth, and it contains the nerves and blood vessels that bring nourishment to the tooth.

When the dentin is damaged or exposed, whether through decay or due to breakage, your tooth may become sensitive to the hot and cold temperatures of food and beverages. Sweet substances may affect it as well. The dentin contains tiny nerve endings that connect with the nerves in the pulp. Sensitivity to the dentin is called dentinal sensitivity. It can also occur as a result of teeth whitening products and receding gums.

When the nerves in the pulp become irritated, you may feel intense, throbbing pain. Many things can cause this irritation, including damage to the tooth if it becomes cracked, chipped or broken. Tooth decay or infection can cause pain, and sometimes a new filling can also irritate the nerves.

Treatment for tooth nerve pain depends on the cause. The two most common methods of treating this type of pain are fillings and root canal therapy. Simple cavities can cause tooth nerve pain, and cleaning out the decay and filling the cavity is usually enough to provide relief.

Sensitivity caused by enamel erosion can be treated by tooth bonding. In this procedure, tooth colored composite is applied to the tooth with a bonding substrate. If the erosion is severe, your dentist may suggest the tooth be crowned. A crown will add protection and strength to a tooth that has been weakened.

Tooth Sensitivity

Some individuals experience tooth nerve pain because their teeth are extra sensitive to temperature changes and certain conditions. These people may have pain when they brush their teeth, eat certain foods and have their teeth whitened.

Sensitivity to cold is quite common. Any time the root of a tooth is exposed, you may experience sensitivity to cold. Tooth roots can become exposed due to aggressive brushing or using a toothbrush that is too hard. Age also causes gums to recede, which exposes the roots.

When you have a tooth that is sensitive to sweets, it could mean part of a root is exposed, but it usually indicates the early stages of tooth decay. Make an appointment to have it checked. Ignoring it will only lead to more decay, which could eventually affect the nerve center of the tooth.

Sensitivity to hot often indicates a more serious problem. When the pulp has been compromised and the nerve of the tooth is affected, hot substances will cause pain. This sensitivity often signals that the nerve is about to die.

Some individuals are also sensitive to certain toothpastes. Those formulated for whitening your teeth contain substances that are very abrasive. The abrasive substances in these toothpastes are used to eliminate the stains on teeth. If you find your toothpaste is causing tooth sensitivity, you should switch to another toothpaste.

Root Canal Therapy to Eliminate Tooth Nerve Pain

If your tooth is infected, you may need root canal therapy to relieve the pain and save the tooth. Root canal therapy requires the pulp be removed from the tooth and the canal in the root be cleaned out entirely. It is then disinfected to remove any traces of infection and the bacteria that causes it.

After the root canal has been sufficiently cleaned, it is filled with a rubbery material called gutta percha, then sealed off. Decay is also removed from the remainder of the tooth, and an appropriate filling is used to fill the cavity. Most often after root canal therapy, the dentist will suggest putting a crown on the tooth to protect it and add strength.

Any sensitivity or tooth nerve pain should be examined by a dentist. Pain is an indication that something is wrong. Early diagnosis and treatment can save you from experiencing severe pain and discomfort and it may save your tooth.

Sacramento Emergency Dentist is available for same day and weekend appointments. Contact us if you experience tooth nerve pain. Let us identify the problem and relieve your discomfort.

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