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Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ/TMD, is a condition affecting the joint hinging your jawbone to your skull. When you experience jaw pain, one possibility for the cause could be TMJ. You can find relief for this type of pain at Sacramento Emergency Dentist. Our dental professionals apply their skill and expertise to diagnosing and treating the problems associated with TMJ.

Your temporomandibular joints work like sliding hinges, connecting the jawbone to the skull and allowing up, down and sideways movement of the jawbone. There are various factors that can result in this joint and structures around it to become painful.

Causes and Symptoms of TMJ

It is often difficult to determine the exact cause of TMJ. Obvious causes are a blow to the jaw, sporting accidents or other injuries. Less obvious factors include genetics, arthritis, clenching or grinding the teeth. Malocclusion, or misalignment, of the teeth can also cause jaw pain. Some individuals experience jaw pain due to excessive gum chewing. Orthodontic braces can also cause TMJ.

Symptoms of TMJ are also varied. The one steady factor is jaw pain, and pain or discomfort in surrounding areas may be present as well, such as:

  • Pain in the ear
  • Headaches
  • Facial pain
  • Pain in the neck or shoulders
  • Pain at the base of the tongue

Additional symptoms can be ringing in the ears, tight muscles in the jaw and neck or muscle spasms in the jaw. You may have difficulty chewing or your jaw may lock or become dislocated. This occurs most often after yawning or opening your mouth wide. Blurred vision, dizziness or vertigo may also present as symptoms.

Relief from TMJ Pain and Clenching

The first step in determining effective treatment for the condition is finding the root cause of the disorder. In some situations, relief is a matter of making simple changes. For example, a person who chews gum excessively will find that reducing or eliminating the habit will relieve the pain.

Addressing underlying causes, such as treatment for arthritis pain, can help when that is a factor. Correcting malocclusion with braces may solve the problem for those experiencing pain due to misaligned teeth.

If tension is causing you to clench or grind your teeth, you may have several options for help in relieving the pain. Some individuals only clench their teeth when they are under more stress than usual. When the stressor is gone, they can relax and the clenching stops. Others hold tension in their jaw and the problem can become chronic.

Targeted exercises can help relax the jaw muscles and relieve the discomfort. Over the counter pain medication is also used. In some instances, a muscle relaxant may be prescribed to help ease the tension of the muscles.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is another cause of TMJ. Millions of Americans grind their teeth while sleeping. They may not be aware of the practice unless a bed partner mentions it to them. Like clenching, teeth grinding puts extra strain on the jaw muscles and can cause them to become fatigued. Your dentist may recommend a night guard to keep the teeth in alignment and prevent them from touching while you sleep.

Biofeedback or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be recommended to help minimize pain for some patients. Acupuncture is another method of treatment that some find helpful.

Surgery is reserved for the most severe cases and only when indicated. TMJ arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure and can usually be performed in an outpatient setting. Occasionally, replacement of the jaw joint is suggested.

Risk Factors for TMJ

Stress is a big factor for many people experiencing TMJ. Learning to relax and let go of your stress will help minimize the discomfort. Poor posture is another factor. Sitting hunched over for hours puts strain on the neck muscles and can lead to abnormalities in the function of the jaw muscles.

Women are at a higher risk for TMJ, especially those between the ages of 18-44. Arthritis patients are also at an increased risk.

The cure for TMJ has not yet been discovered. However, an accurate diagnosis can lead to effective treatment and pain management. Contact the team at Sacramento Emergency Dentist if you experience jaw pain. We can help determine the cause and help you find pain relief.

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