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Severe Tooth Pain Relief Elk Grove, CA

Of all the pain one can endure, the majority of people who have experienced a severe toothache will tell you that tooth pain can be terrible. Talking is challenging, sleeping is nearly impossible and the thought of trying to eat anything when you have that level of pain is impossible. No matter how much pain you can endure, most people agree, severe tooth pain ranks at the top.

Not only can severe tooth pain be debilitating, but it can also lead to life-threatening conditions. An immediate diagnosis of the cause and treatment is vital to prevent serious complications from developing. At Sacramento Emergency Dentist, we have a skilled dental team that will find the cause of your severe tooth pain, treat it and provide relief from your misery.

Severe tooth pain is often a sign of an infected tooth. These infections can become serious if they are not treated with emergency dentistry before complications develop. In most instances, the pain is caused by an accumulation of pressure in the tooth which irritates the nerves of the tooth.

Tooth Structure

A tooth has three major layers. The enamel is the hard, outer part of the tooth. Made mostly of minerals, this layer is the hardest substance in the human body, harder than bone. According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, tooth enamel is harder than steel and iron.

Under the enamel is the dentin layer. This part of the tooth is softer and is comprised of living cells. The dentin produces a substance of hard minerals. It also has tiny nerve endings running through it that are connected to the nerves at the core of the tooth. This part is called the pulp. The pulp is the inner structure of the tooth, and it contains the nerves and blood vessels which nourish the tooth. This is the part of the tooth that produces excruciating pain if it becomes infected.

The Anatomy of Severe Tooth Pain

Tooth decay usually begins when the acid created by bacteria in the mouth eats through the enamel. When the enamel is breached, the dentin is attacked. Since it is softer, it decays at a faster rate than the enamel.

If decay reaches the pulp of the tooth, the nerves become involved. They are now exposed to temperature changes with hot and cold foods and beverages. Even cool air can cause pain. The blood supply in the tooth provides antibodies that work to fight off infection. This battle between good and bad substances produce toxins which can produce swelling. Since the tooth itself cannot swell, pressure builds up and swelling occurs at the apex of the tooth root, resulting in an abscess.

If the toxins and bad bacteria from the infection get into the blood stream, a critical condition develops. Infection in the blood stream can lead to sepsis, which can make you very sick. Serious infections in teeth on the upper arch can perforate the sinuses and have been known to infect the brain.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Dental x-rays will provide information regarding the severity of the infection. Your dentist will be able to determine if the tooth has developed an abscess and if so, what condition it is in. The first step in treatment is to get the infection under control and alleviate the pain.

Depending on the condition of the tooth, your dentist may recommend root canal therapy to save the tooth. If the tooth is badly decayed and little viable tooth structure remains, the tooth will probably need extraction.

You can receive treatment for your severe tooth pain on the same day you make the call. We offer same day appointments at Sacramento Emergency Dentist. We also provide Saturday and Sunday appointments for dental emergency patients. Our online scheduling makes booking your emergency appointment easy, and we take most PPO dental insurances. Only $99 dollars will pay for your emergency dental consultation, diagnostic x-rays and treatment plan. There is an additional cost if a CT scan is required.

Severe tooth pain is a serious matter. Contact Sacramento Emergency Dentist to schedule an appointment to stop the pain and get back on the road to oral health.

Are you in pain? Don’t wait!

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