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Jaw Pain Relief Elk Grove, CA

Unless there is a known reason, you may not know why you are suffering with jaw pain. If there is an obvious source, such as an injury caused by a sporting accident or trauma to the face, seeking the appropriate care is simple. On the other hand, when your jaw pain is a mystery, you require the help of dental professionals, like the dentists at Sacramento Emergency Dentist.

Using state-of-the-art technology and exercising their dental expertise, our dentists will diagnose your pain and create an effective treatment plan to provide the relief you seek. With years of experience, the professionals at Sacramento Emergency Dentist provide patient-centered, compassionate emergency dental care. We understand the questions and concerns that can arise with the onset of jaw pain that does not seem to have an immediately identifiable cause.

Searching for Answers

You may have pain on one side of your jaw or both sides. Many people become alarmed when they feel pain on one side of the jaw, as this can sometimes indicate the early signs of a heart attack.

If this is the case and you are also experiencing other symptoms such as heartburn pain or indigestion, feelings of pressure or tightness in your chest and arms, shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness and sudden cold sweats, you need to call 911 immediately. These signs may appear suddenly, or they can build over several hours or days.

Most likely though, your jaw pain has other origins. Common causes of jaw pain are:

  • TMJ/TMD – Problems with your temporomandibular joint can cause pain along with other symptoms involving your jaw and/or the area around it.
  • Clenching and/or grinding your teeth – Millions of Americans do this, usually when under excessive stress or while sleeping. You may not know you are grinding your teeth while you sleep unless your bed partner tells you or your symptoms cause you to seek a diagnosis.
  • Arthritis – This inflammatory condition does not just show up in the knees, back or hands. It can manifest in any joint, including your jaw.
  • Misalignment of teeth – Every person has an ideal bite; however, not everyone is fortunate enough to bite in that ideal position.
  • Damage to the cartilage in the joint – The cartilage is the smooth white substance over which the ends of bones glide in the joint. Normal cartilage allows the joint to operate smoothly. Damaged or worn cartilage can cause problems.
  • Abscessed tooth – If a molar becomes infected and abscessed, the swelling can cause pressure on the temporomandibular joint, causing pain. This is sometimes the case with infected wisdom teeth. Tooth pain is almost always present when a tooth is infected. You may also have a fever.
  • Wisdom teeth – The third molars are the last to erupt. It is very common for these teeth to become impacted, erupt partially or cause other issues. The pain from a wisdom tooth can often be felt in the jaw.
  • Sinusitis – Allergies, colds and other medical conditions can contribute to sinusitis. When the maxillary sinuses, those behind your cheeks, are involved, the pain can be felt in one or both sides of your jaw.

While your jaw pain is probably caused by one of the more common conditions, there are also instances in which the source of the pain is due to a rare condition.

For example, trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a chronic condition affecting the trigeminal nerve. When abnormal pressure on the nerve prevents the nerve from functioning properly, it can cause severe pain. It is not unusual for the cause of trigeminal neuralgia to go unknown. However, sometimes it happens as a result of a swollen blood vessel or tumor putting pressure on the nerve. It can also happen to people living with multiple sclerosis. Although it can happen to anyone, most TN cases are found in women over the age of 50.

Accurate diagnosis of your jaw pain is necessary for proper treatment. Contact the professionals at Sacramento Emergency Dentist to find the source of your jaw pain and provide relief. We have online scheduling and same day and weekend appointments for your convenience.

Are you in pain? Don’t wait!

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