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Gum Pain Relief Elk Grove, CA

Tooth pain is fairly widespread in the general population. Gum pain is not quite as common, but it does affect millions on a daily basis. Like tooth pain, the pain in your gums can range from annoying to severe. Treatment for this condition depends on the cause, and there can be many reasons it occurs.

Sources of Gum Pain

Gum pain can be caused by mechanical means, such as using a stiff brush to clean your teeth or an oral health condition or hormonal changes. Causes for gum pain include:

  • Canker sores – these small painful areas are also called aphthous ulcers. You will not see them on the surface of the lips, like cold sores. Canker sores develop on the soft tissue inside the mouth, including at the base of the gums. They are not contagious, but they can make it difficult to eat or speak because of the pain they cause.
  • Friction from a dental appliances – New or ill-fitting dentures often cause sore spots on the gums. Sometimes these irritated areas can be quite painful. Retainers may also cause problems with gum pain.
  • Cancer of the mouth – This is not a common cause of gum pain, but it does happen. When you have your annual checkup with your dentist, be sure to have an oral cancer screening. When identified in its earliest stages, oral cancers are the easiest to treat.
  • Oral Thrush – Common in infants, this fungal infection can also occur in older children and adults. Certain medications can cause an outbreak of oral thrush.
  • Hormonal changes – Females go through a variety of hormonal changes from monthly menses to menopause. Fluctuating hormones are known to make gums sensitive and sometimes they may even bleed.
  • Gingivitis – This gum disease is common. While usually caused by poor oral hygiene, it can also be caused by some medications. Genetics play a role for some individuals.
  • Periodontitis – A severe form of gingivitis, periodontitis is an infection in the gums. This disease is often treated with antibiotics and sometimes requires surgical procedures to remove necrotic tissue and reshape damaged gum tissue.

Relieving Gum Pain

Home remedies for gum pain relief are common. Hot or cold packs may help reduce swelling. Some people find relief when they rinse with salt water, while others use a warm tea bag of green or black tea to soothe the area. These teas contain tannins which can reduce gum pain by killing irritating bacteria. Over-the-counter remedies such as oral gels and pain relievers may also be effective.

While all these methods may provide some relief from the discomfort, none of them actually address the cause of the problem. Diagnosing the problem is the key to finding an effective treatment for gum pain. Our dental team at Sacramento Emergency Dentist will help you feel better and identify the cause of your pain.

You may notice ridges at the bottom of your teeth and receding gums. If you brush your teeth aggressively and are using a stiff toothbrush, you could be causing erosion to your tooth enamel as well as irritating your gums. Your dentist can determine whether your gum problem is caused by the mechanics of your brushing or if you have gum disease or some other condition.

Gum disease, depending on the severity, may be treated by a thorough cleaning of the teeth. Plaque and tartar are removed, and the roots of the teeth are smoothed down and made slick so the gums can reattach. In the case of severe gum disease, antibiotics may be needed to eliminate the infection. Oral antibiotics can be given, or your dentist may place antibiotics directly in the gums.

You do not need to suffer with gum pain or any oral discomfort for long. You can be treated on the same day when you contact Sacramento Emergency Dentist. We have Saturday and Sunday appointments and online scheduling for your convenience. Let our friendly, caring dental team bring a halt to your gum pain.

Are you in pain? Don’t wait!

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