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Filling Fell Out Elk Grove, CA

There are all types of dental emergencies. In addition to those that cause pain and discomfort are the ones that have the potential to develop into more serious problems. This is the case when a filling falls out. If that should happen to you or a member of your household, call Sacramento Emergency Dentist. We will replace your old filling with a new one.

Why Your Silver Filling May Need Replacement

Old amalgam fillings wear out over time. If you have had your filling for many years, you can expect it to fail at some point. Generally, these fillings may become loose over the years and need replacing. Compromised margins between the tooth and the filling allow food debris and saliva to seep into tiny cracks. Bad bacteria feed on this and produce the enzymes that cause tooth decay. As the decay spreads and more of the tooth is eaten away, the filling loses its stability in the tooth.

At this point, chewing certain foods, especially sticky foods, make it more likely that the filling will become dislodged and come out. Amalgam fillings are not bonded to tooth structure like composite fillings are. The way in which a tooth is prepped for a silver filling helps determine the longevity of the filling.

Amalgam is packed into a prepped tooth to fill the cleaned-out cavity. The prep is usually some type of dovetail design to keep the tightly packed filling in the tooth. There is more filling material in the base of the filling than on the surface. This design holds the filling in place. When tooth structure around the filling is lost to decay or erosion, the filling can get loose and fall out.

Lost Filling Replacement

Most fillings are deep enough to involve the dentin. This is the second layer of the tooth structure and a much softer substance than the enamel, or outer layer of the tooth. Losing a filling exposes the dentin to possible decay. Since the dentin is soft, decay can spread faster.

Additionally, the dentin is structured with tiny tubules leading to the pulp, or nerve center of the tooth. Tiny nerves in these tubules are often sensitive to the hot and cold temperatures of food and beverages. Even exposure to cool air can cause discomfort.

At Sacramento Emergency Dentist, we clean out the area to ensure it is free from bacteria and fill the cavity. Composite fillings bond with the tooth structure, fortifying the margins between the tooth and filling. These types of fillings do not contract and expand with temperature changes in the way amalgam fillings do.

Contact Sacramento Emergency Dentist

Neglecting to replace a lost filling as soon as possible can lead to unnecessary pain and discomfort. The longer you wait to have the cavity filled, the more the tooth is subject to decay. Food can easily become trapped in the hole. Even correct brushing and flossing of your teeth may not adequately clean the exposed area. Ignoring the problem only exacerbates it, as food debris becomes packed in the cavity.

Fortunately, you do not have to wait for days to have your lost filling replaced. Sacramento Emergency Dentist offers same day appointments. We also provide Saturday and Sunday appointments for emergency dental care. Use our online scheduling for your convenience, or you can call to schedule your appointment. We take a variety of PPO dental insurances. For those who do not have dental insurance, we have payment options. You can call us for more details.

Even though you may not experience toothache pain right away, when a filling falls out, your tooth is at a high risk of becoming decayed and infected if the filling is not replaced as soon as possible. At Sacramento Emergency Dentist, we want you to maintain your best oral health. Contact our office, and get your filling replaced today.

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